13. Juni 2014 Curlygames Black Magic Women ist bei uns angekommen! Am 12. Juni haben wir in Bruvoll (Norwegen) Unsere Curly-Coated Retriever Hündin bei der Familie Hoving abholen dürfen! Hezlichen Dank! Weiteres in der Rubrik "Unsere Hunde" tagPlaceholderTags: Kommentar schreiben Kommentare: 1 #1 Ellisiv Hovig (Mittwoch, 20 August 2014 23:04) Nice homepage and thanks for the pictures. I can't get enough of them :). It seems like Magic has been an appreciated member of the family :)
Kommentar schreiben
Ellisiv Hovig (Mittwoch, 20 August 2014 23:04)
Nice homepage and thanks for the pictures. I can't get enough of them :). It seems like Magic has been an appreciated member of the family :)